
I've been a reader for as long as I can remember. From fantasy, to dystopian, to romance, I've read them all! 

In 2022, I decided to start a Bookstagram. You can visit the Instagram page here. I've had an absolute ball!! I love having a platform to share my love of books with so many others who love them as much as I do. I've gotten to create some amazing relationships through this platform as well! It really has been a dream come true.

But I wanted a nice, cohesive place to share longer reviews and bookish thoughts. A place where everything I have to say is in one spot! Thus, the blog of readswithgab was born!

I am an ownvoices reviewer for figure skating and limb differences.

*All books labeled "promo" on any platform (readswithgab.com or social media) are ARCs I received for free in exchange for an honest review. I am not paid to give good reviews of books. All opinions I share are my own.